Tuesday, October 25

Thoughts on Breakaway Retreat and other cool stuff

Hey guys!! Well, this is a post I should've done A LONG time ago.. I've just been lazy sorry!! Ok so I put up the pics, now for my thoughts on Breakaway retreat. I LOVED IT!! There was only ONE problem.. My wonderful friend Rachel for the FIRST time wasn't there, I guess I was so used to her being there it made the whole trip completely different. But I got to spend some awesome time with another one of my lovely friends Hannah! Yay Hannah you rock! Ok so let's see, Breakaway retreat, well the trip there was very fun, we left Wednesday evening around 5. I was in one of the vans with a bunch of freshman boys and Casie. Casie is awesome guys, we talked about everything from stupid signs to bands!! And of course, Lora, Hannah and Elizabeth was with me. We had a blast in the car. Let's see... We drove for an hour or so.. and then stopped at Mcdonald's for supper. Supper was very fun, I got to meet Amy,one of our newer support staffs. She's been a support staff of youthgroup before, just not in my youthgroup time. Amy is very sweet! Let's see, nothing else really excited happened there.. we left pretty quickly and got to Jacob's ladder very quickly after that. It was VERY dark.. But I was SOO happy to see those cabins again. I went in my cabin, and did some fun unpacking, I was on a bed in between two awesome people, Amy and Hannah! ( I was soo excited to be with them!!) after unpacking we had are little begining of the week shindig thing at the little cabin. We squished as many people possible on that big cozy couch and sang a few songs, and then Dave told us what was going to happen that week. Singing was awesome as usual.. There's something about worshiping with my friends.. in a cabin.. out in the middle of nowhere that just amazes me every time. It's so different with my friends, I know that they know who I truly am deep down, so I can truly worship, and not be afraid.. I wish I were like that all of the time, but I admit.. I'm not always.. Ok let's see, after singing we went to a big open barn thingie.. and played capture the frisbee. Let's just say, me + anything that involves being quick = Chaos but again, I was with a bunch of people I love.. and I didn't care about looking stupid or getting out soo much hehe.. So I was in jail about 90% of the time! Fun stuff... Let's see, next day we started out with devotions which were so often. Before I left.. I had soo much on my chest.. And I just needed to sit down.. and just be really real with God.. Just sit there and be like, this is what's going on.. well.. just give it up to him. I did that morning, and we happened to be in my favorite psalms.. it was awesome Psalms 139, go read it, it's amazing!! Let's see, after that.. I think.. we played flag football.. Man I stink at that too, but I actually had the ball for about 5 seconds!! I think that's about all I can say about football except that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to flag football.. It's kind of fun running around in utter confusion... Ok umm.. after that, we went rock climbing, definitly the highlight of the week.. man I love climbing.. Anyway, I was soo proud, because HANNAH MADE IT TO THE TOP OF BOTH... AND SHE ALSO WENT ON THE SWING!! Man Hannah.. I just can't even tell you how proud I was of you when you made it up to the top of those.. Wow you're amazing.. Ok anyway... let's see, that was awesome, after that.. I think we went to have dinner. Dinner was great, after dinner, we had worship again (YAY!!) And let's see, after that, went back to the barns and got ready for the hoedown. The hoedown was pretty fun.. Not many people new the dances.. So it was a little weird.. But I mean.. I did enjoy it. All of the girls.. looked soo cute.. I was proud to be with them because they all looked so cute!! Umm.. After hoedown.. not much I can say.. everything else is just kind of muddled together. But over all, it was a very awesome three days. I gave all of the stuff up that I'd been really struggling with finally, and I got to spend alot of time with Hannah.. I'm so greatful that I got to go in the first place.. It was awesome!!

Let's see, as for the "Other cool stuff" This morning, I went and Picked up my friend Stephan, and we went very early to the city. We were trying to get to Panera bread to meet some friends for breakfast.. but of course.. with me being.. directionally challenged.. we go lost.. But when we DID make it, it was very enjoyable. It was me, Stephan, Josh, Brady, Timoth, and Andrew. We had alot of fun talking about... well just anything and everything.. And then we went over to the church where we have choir.. to do devotions.. Devotions were very very good, we sang, prayed and talked.. Man I love devotions!! Ok and let's see.. after that.. Choir was just soo exciting.. I figured out that we are going to California on tour, and we are going to get to stop at the grand canyon on the way!! I have never been to the grand canyon.. so I am very excited.. Well I'm sorry that that sounded rushed guys, but I was in a hurry.. Maybe I'll have some time to write some more details later.
Luv you guys!!


£l §tévó said...

That was a fun retreat, although I think I liked last year's better. This year was pretty fun though.

Allie said...

sara! hey its allie. i just wanted to let you know that i have a blog.......http://allerina1.blogspot.com (thats a # 1 at the end of "allerina") you're awesome!!!!!!