Sunday, July 24

The boys getting ready for the dogeball tournament (WE WON 2ND PLACE BTW!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

these guys in the pic didnt get 2nd place lol but they made it to like the top 5 or something. that was the other team "the wildwood wizzles"!

frisbeegurl said...

I was just meaning some of our guys made it.. not these particular guys.. I guess I should've been more specific..

Rachel said...

YAAAAAY!!!! THE WILDWOOD GUYS ROCK!!!!!!! We had one team that played in the championship game and our other team, including these awesome guys shown, went all the way to the final four, but lost and didn't go on to the championship game. But they beat every other team they played! Both teams were so awesome! You guys rock!

Sorry, but I was pretty excited!

Man... I'm sad we didn't get to do the sidewalk chalk this year or any of that... evil rule-makers. We could have at least made a poster like the guys did for us last year.... :( I really missed us doing that this year. Even though I was never part of the sidewalk chalking brigade (I was always WITH guys whenever they did it!), it was still from all of us girls. I dunno what just made me think of that, but I did... it was probably the "Wildwood guys rock" thing.

They do, by the way.

frisbeegurl said...

Hehe yes.. we shall do something.. twice as bad to make up for this past year!! mwahaha... And yes wildwood guys.. are awesome!! I love you guys!!

Rachel said...

But I won't be there... waaaaah! :(

frisbeegurl said...

Ohhh yeah.. Gosh... Now I almost don't want to go next year.. heh.. being a roomate with you has always been a HUGE part of things..

Rachel said...

:( *goes off and cries* Yeah, it'll be different, but God has it planned out and whoever you room with will be exactly what you need and vice versa. But yeah... I'm gonna miss it.... :(