Wednesday, March 29


Hey guys, so I'm doing well and I'm still alive.. This week and last week has been/is crazy.. It's been full of choir stuff and no sleep.. I really need prayer because.. pretty much.. I'm terrified of graduating.. The unknown is one of the scariest things to me.. and right now.. I'm dealing with so many unknown's it's a real struggle to just trust in God.. And just.. having the title of a "college student" also terrifies me. On top of that I'm busier than I've ever been in my life. Haha.. if you know my schedual.. you'll know I'm normally insanely busy.. So yeah.. And please pray that I'll feel prepared going into college. I really feel called to go into musical theatre. And also use that as a witnessing tool somehow.. I know alot of people involved in Musical Theatre are really lost, so maybe that's what I'm gunna do.. I have no idea. But yeah, the problem with that is.. I need to have alot more experience in singing, dancing, and acting before I go into that. So I'm kind of freaking out as for what to do.. I don't have to tell you any more I wish I did haha.. so yeah..
I love you guys and hope you are all doing well!!


Anonymous said...

Sara, I can relate to being scared of the unknown. Sometimes it's exciting, but a lot of the times it makes me nervous.

Have you applied to colleges? It's doubtful we'll go to the same place, but I'm curious.

~Fellow Senior
~Your Classmate

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I know how if feels to be in your place (I went through it last year). I'll be praying for you!