Friday, August 19

Rachel's cwazy quiz thingie...

Have you ever...

[I wish...] Swam with wild dolphins.
[x w00t!! I love climbing!!] Climbed a mountain.
[I wish again...] Taken a Ferrari for a test drive.
[Now that'd be cool.. sigh..] Been inside the Great Pyramid.
[x] Held a tarantula.
[x] Said I love you and meant it.
[No comment...] Hugged a tree.
[x] Bungee jumped.
[] Visited Paris.
[Man that'd be awesome!!!] Watched a lightning storm at sea.
[x] Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise.
[] Seen the Northern Lights.
[x] Gone to a huge sports game.
[x fun stuff..] Grown and eaten your own vegetables.
[] Touched an iceberg.
[x HECK YEAH!!!] Slept under the stars.
[x] Changed a baby's diaper.
[x] Taken a trip in a hot air balloon.
[x] The best one in a hundred years, a meteor storm! Plus many more...(I stole Rache's answer heh..)] Watched a meteor shower.
[Hmmm I don't know...] Given more than you can afford to charity.
[x Heck yeah!!] Looked up at the night sky through a telescope.
[x Unfortunatly...] Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
[x] Had a food fight.
[] Taken a sick day when youre not ill.
[Wow Rache asking a question like this in the first place?? Strange... No though.. Complete strangers have done that to me though.. Unfortunatly...] Asked out a stranger.
[x] Too many to count] Had a snowball fight.
[x If only I COULD scream.. the right way that is..] Screamed as loudly as you possibly can.
[] Held a lamb.
[x] Taken an ice cold bath.
[x] Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.
[I wish..] Seen a total eclipse.
[x YES!! I love roller coasters!!] Ridden a roller coaster.
[x] Hit a home run.
[x Somehow or another.. I have...] Fit three weeks miraculously into three days.
[x Definitly!!] Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking.
[x] Adopted an accent for an entire day.
[Now that would be cool...] Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
[x] Actually felt happy about your life.
[x] Visited all 50 states.
[x I don't care about money..] Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
[x DEFINITL!!!] Had amazing friends.
[x Same thing as Rache said... Little mexican girls in Mexico..] Danced with a stranger in a foreign country.
[OHH that'd be soo cool...] Watched wild whales.
[x Heh..] Stolen a sign.
[] Backpacked in Europe.
[x] Taken a road-trip.
[x YAYNESS!!!] Rock climbing.
[x yay I love the beach at night...] Midnight walk on the beach.
[I hope to someday.. That's the top thing on my list to do before I die!!] Sky diving.
[That'd be fun...] Visited Ireland.
[x But I didn't exactly talk to them...] In a restaurant, sat at a strangers table and had a meal with them.
[] Visited Japan.
[I don't pretend to be one.] Pretended to be a superhero.
[x] Sung karaoke.
[x] Lounged around in bed all day.
[] Scuba diving.
[x Yay mud!!] Played in the mud.
[x] Played in the rain.
[] Gone to a drive-in theater.
[x Think.. Hotel pool Mexico.. Not a guest (Room 110!!)] Done something you should regret, but dont regret it.
[x] Toured ancient sites.
[That'd be AWESOME!!] Taken a martial arts class.
[Ummm... No... I'm a girl meself..] Swordfought for the honor of a woman.
[Does five minutes count?? Heh.. x] Gotten married.
[x Home-made movies = fun stuff...] Been in a movie.
[Don't know..] Crashed a party.
[Person I was proposed to.. We were "married" for about 5 minutes.. and then decided to be divorced.. x] Gotten divorced.
[x stomache virus.. I get it too much.. and can't eat forever..] Gone without food for 5 days.
[x Cookies from scratch are the best!! Yay..] Made cookies from scratch.
[] Ridden a gondola in Venice.
[] Gotten a tattoo.
[] Rafted the Snake River.
[x As Rache said.. YES CIY!! Loved it!! OMG THAT WAS AWESOME GUYS WHO WENT TO CIY!! Thank you!! That seriously.. Made my.. whole month!! NOt just one day..] Got flowers for no reason.
[x Too much..] Performed on stage.
[x OH yeah..] Recorded music.
[] Eaten shark.
[Picture this, Rachel and I Rachel with a micky mouse robe, me with a pink robe.. Lightsabors running up and down the hallways x!!] Been in a combat situation.
[x] Been on a cruise ship.
[I wish..] Spoken more than one language fluently.
[x Dunking.. Me and defending Rache and Hannah in the pool.. It doesn't work too well... Well at least when it's Stevo.. heh.] Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone.
[] Created and named your own constellation of stars.
[x] Found out something significant that your ancestors did.
[] Called or written your Congress person.
[] Picked up and moved to another city to just start over.
[] More than once? - More than thrice?
[] Walked the Golden Gate Bridge.
[x All the time.] Sang loudly in the car, and didnt stop when you knew someone was looking.
[] Had plastic surgery.
[] Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived.
[] Wrote articles for a large publication.
[] Patted a stingray.
[Same as Rache.. I hope not... but yeah.. If I'm going to be honest to myself.. I know I have.. ] Broken someones heart.
[x Yes unfortunatly...] Helped an animal give birth.
[x] Broken a bone.
[] Ridden a motorcycle.
[x] Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph.
[YUCK!!!!] Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild.
[x] Ridden a horse.
[x] Had major surgery.
[] Had a snake as a pet.
[] Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
[] Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing.
[x] Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours.
[x w00t!! I love Mexico..] Visited foreign countries other than the states.
[x] Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days.
[] Eaten kangaroo meat.
[x] Had your picture in the newspaper.
[x] Changed someones mind about something you care deeply about.
[] Parasailed.
[I accidentally touched one.. But NEVER on porpose.. eww...] Petted a cockroach.
[] Eaten fried green tomatoes.
[x] Read The Iliad.
[x] Taught yourself an art from scratch.
[] Killed and prepared an animal for eating.
[x ] Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language.
[x] Thought to yourself that you're living your dream.
[x Ugghh.. Taco stand...] Had a booth at a fair.
[x OHH YEAH!!!] Dyed your hair.


Rachel said...

Hehe... first of all, Sara, I didn't write this quiz, just so you know! :D

About that question that you were surprised that I "wrote," though... yeah, I've been asked out by complete strangers too... not fun. I feel for you (lol remember that phrase?). Sure, it does make me at least a little happy that I'm somewhat worth notice to one or two guys out there, but I mean, seriously, they don't even KNOW me... obviously their intentions are somewhere I wouldn't want to go. Let's just say I don't exactly mince my words when it happens. Hehe, especially if the guy gets his 8-year-old brother to ask me for him... yeah.

I totally agree about the CIY thing... that made my whole month (at least), too.

Yeah, we are the Jedi Masters of the girls' dorm at CIY!! Whoohoo!

Anonymous said...

That was strange.

Katina Rae Hembree said...

Yeah I agree, that was very strange.
I'm going to steal the quiz thing from you and put it on my site. It was fun:)

Anonymous said...

My mom got that same comment on her blog. Posted by malia745joseph

frisbeegurl said...
