Thursday, April 28

Choir Concert

Wow I had the funnest time at my choir concert!!

Thank you everyone who came to see me... I can't even begin to tell you how loved I feel because all of you were there!! THANK YOU!!! As for those of you who didn't go, don't worry about it!! (In my oppinion you didn't miss out on much.) I had a blast though lol!! So God really helped me through Tuesday night. For once I got really nervous... I don't ever get nervous like that.. Amy came up though and saw that I was nervous, she pulled me aside and prayed for me... AMY I LOVE YOU!! Even though you'll probably never read this... But as soon as I got out there my whole perspective changed to what it should've been in the first place. This is all for God. I finally just completely stopped worrying and worshiped God with my singing.. It was soo awesome!! I almost completely forgot about people being there!! So yeah.. I get excited when God is this evident... It was like he was right with me all night.. I had no reason to worry about how I sounded or anything like that...

And one other thing. Bri and I had sang our duet a total of 5 times... We never did the whole thing through.. and we always made a tremendous amount of mistakes!! But tuesday night, the first time we did it all the way through.. we did it perfectly!! It was sooo awesome!! leyisel's grandparents were there.. so we dedicated the whole concert to her. THat was really cool... but it was also really tough... Especially on Leyisel's two best friends... They had to pull themselves together during the intermission... it was tough... But we finally all decided that Leyisel wouldn't want us to be sad so we all just tried our best. Well I think I'm going to go.. I'll tell ya'll more later!!!



Rachel said...

Your choir concert totally ROCKED!!!!! Wow....

Herohtar said...
