Thursday, February 24

To Rachel and Hannah!

Now here's my post that is only for the Magruder girls!!! Talk about awesome!! Here they are!!!! Hannah, you amaze me, I don't know a single person in the whole world as humble as you are.. You are always looking out for ways you can help!! Girl you encourage me alot too! I truely admire how you're humble and caring towards everyone. Rachel your are awesome too!! Don't get down on yourself soo much, cause I don't know a single person who is wiser than you. I know that anytime I have a question you will help me. That is a really encouraging thing to me also!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much!!! Truely I do!!! God has blessed me soo much with you two!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

WOW. Thanks Sara, that made my day.