Monday, February 28

Whoo hoo!!

Today was awesome!! I had jym class, we played a bunch of dodgeball games. Backboard dodgeball rocks by the way!!!!!! Well anyway, it was classic because one of our best dodgeball players kept hitting people on HIS OWN TEAM in the back.. heh heh!!! Well anyway, I completely suck at dodgeball, but it was fun!!! So anywho, this was also a day for nicknaming my brother. Everyone in jym class loves him!! So people made shirts that said "Eric is my superhero!!" So half the people call him there superman and the other half call him Erica... Lol they call him Erica because he ALWAYS gets stuck playing on the girls team... hehehe. Ok now I'll be serious and tell what's up. Well as some of you know, I was going to try out for Quartz mountain this year. Well I wasn't too thrilled about it because.. Well I thought God was calling me to go to Mexico again NOT go and sing my head off for a week. I'm not meaning anything bad by this... I would be very priveleged if I ever got to go to Quartz. Well anyway, I had tryouts Saturday, but I woke up really sick... Lol I think God was telling me NOT to go this year.. In other words I'm really happy right now... God is just awesome, he's putting his hand in everything.. Actually its as if he is holding my hand.. and leading me where I need to go... Its just awesome because.. I've been really stressed about what to do.. where to go.. all that stuff.
Well anyway, that's all I have for today!!!
Luv ya'll LOTS!!!



Rachel said...

That is such an answer to prayer!! YAY!!!! Isn't it wonderful how God always works things out?

frisbeegurl said...

Yeah!! It really is!!!