Thursday, March 24

Back at last!!!

HI EVERYONE!!! I have FINALLY returned!! Yeah.. I was grounded for about a week because I called my parents ten minutes later than I was supposed to.... But it doesn't matter anymore for I have returned!! Whoo hoo!!!! So last night I had this found poem I was supposed to write. Ok well I wrote the poem before I went to AWANA and I had all the magazine words cut out. (We had to use a bunch of words from the magazine or newspapers and THEN make a poem) Well... I got home.. at like 11 and... ALL OF MY STUFF WAS GONE!!! ARRGGHHHH!!! So yeah.. I stayed up REALLY late trying to redo my poem.. but I finally gave up... Man I hope it doesn't make my grades go way down... OHh well!
Ok now I'll be serious. So this week.. has been pretty tough so far. I have been trying.. my hardest to be more caring and sensitive to my parents. Most of the time I fail.. because I am stupid.. and I don't always think before I speak... But I have been praying alot about it.. And God has helped tremendously.. He's given me alot more patience than I thought possible... But I am still WAY far away from where I should be. But anyway keep praying for me guys!! And please tell me if you EVER need me to pray about something!!


£l §tévó said...

I feel your pain... homework-aggggh! I manage to put of everything until right before its due (sometimes after, hehe). You should not follow my example and get your work done though!

frisbeegurl said...

You guys.. you are soo awesome!! I love ya'll!!!

Rachel said...

Oh, that must have been awful! Grrr... homework....

Sara, first of all, you are SO NOT stupid. Secondly, you said yourself that God has helped you tremendously... that's progress! That's wonderful! Remember that if God were to fix any one of us in one second, we'd be a pile of ashes on the floor. But He also said that if you seek you'll find, and you're definitely seeking!! So God will build you up in this area and get you where you need to be, it's just going to take a little time. So try not to worry about where you should be. Isn't it wonderful to know that God's not finished with any of us yet? What a relief!

Anyway, I will definitely be praying for you, girl! I know how you feel. I think I need to remember what I just said in the above paragraph a LOT more often. Sometimes it's really hard. But don't put yourself down because you're not there yet. You're right where you need to be right now. You rock!

Luv ya!

P.S. I'm REALLY glad you're not a pile of ashes on the floor.

Jenny said...

None of us is perfect. You cannot go through being a teenager and hope to get along with your parents at all times. It's only now that I'm in my 30's that I really even LIKE my parents.

Hang in there, though, and keep giving everything up to God. He doesn't want us to be perfect, just to love Him and try our very best to do the things he wants us to do.

Happy Easter!!!