Tuesday, March 15

I am such a jerk.

Yeah.. You might not think so. But I am, I'll admit I have not been very kind to my parents this week. I am afraid it is all my fault that they are so depressed... I went to the Library today to get away.. hoping that I could figure out what's wrong.. I sat around just thinking about how short of a fuse I had this week and now I feel terrible.. I just hope I can make it up to them... Well I know I definitly can't myself.. I'm going to need alot of help from God.. I can't have patience without His help. Yeah but in other words.. I am in need of prayer big time still. Pray that I would rely on God more this week. And that I wouldn't be so self centered.. Probably not possible because I am one of the most selfish people ever to exist.. Ok I take that back, yes it is possible because I can do all things through Christ. But I don't always rely on Him, so yeah that's where I struggle a WHOLE lot. Btw if you guys need me to pray about something for you. Please post it on my blogger! Cause I really want to pray for you too!
Luv ya'll!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey Sara, you rock. :D I will definitely be praying for you. I've been feeling like that a lot recently, too... sometimes I'm just so selfish!! Actually, all the time! It's really depressing sometimes. But keep your head up, and don't focus on what mistakes you've made. Give them to God, and keep your gaze on Him, and He'll help you to overcome your selfishness. Although, I hardly needed to tell you that, because I think you know that already! But I thought I'd say it anyway. :D

Love ya!